Articles By Dr Fiona of White Lotus Clinic

White Lotus Clinic medical director and founder, Dr Fiona McCulloch

Dr. Fiona McCulloch is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor and Registered Acupuncturist. She has a special interest in fertility, women’s health, PCOS and hormone health. Dr. Fiona is involved in research, and has authored an amazon best seller, 8 Steps to Revers your PCOS (selling over 29 thousand copies) as well as major research-based articles to advance practitioner knowledge in this field.

She was the original author of the White Lotus blog and has written quite a few articles both here and elsewhere on the web.

Please enjoy the articles below.  The search bar below searches the entire site, but is available if you are looking for a specific topic.

Thyroid and Fertility, Thyroid and Pregnancy
Fiona McCulloch ND

Thyroid and Fertility, Thyroid and Pregnancy | Infographic

We at White Lotus have created this infographic to detail the effects of the Thyroid on Fertility. We hope that you will share it and also that it helps provide some interesting information on the important of Thyroid health in Fertility. We have also included naturopathic information including nutrient requirements of iodine, foods rich in selenium and iodine, and information on the effects of heavy metals, environmental agents and even stress on the function of the thyroid gland.

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