Articles By Dr Fiona of White Lotus Clinic

White Lotus Clinic medical director and founder, Dr Fiona McCulloch

Dr. Fiona McCulloch is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor and Registered Acupuncturist. She has a special interest in fertility, women’s health, PCOS and hormone health. Dr. Fiona is involved in research, and has authored an amazon best seller, 8 Steps to Revers your PCOS (selling over 29 thousand copies) as well as major research-based articles to advance practitioner knowledge in this field.

She was the original author of the White Lotus blog and has written quite a few articles both here and elsewhere on the web.

Please enjoy the articles below.  The search bar below searches the entire site, but is available if you are looking for a specific topic.

Fiona McCulloch ND

The Birth Control Pill, Fertility and Thin Endometrial Lining

Many patients take the birth control pill for long periods of time. Whether that be to treat a hormonal disorder like PCOS, or Endometriosis, or to provide contraception, there are a variety of reasons that a woman may take the pill for years. It has long been thought that there has been no detrimental effect on fertility with oral contraceptive use. New information suggests a correlation between the health of the endometrium and birth control pill use, particularly in women who use the pill for an extended period of time.

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Fiona McCulloch ND

High DHEA and Testosterone in PCOS | Ovary vs Adrenal Androgens

Women with PCOS can have differing profiles of androgens. Androgens like testosterone are secreted either by the adrenal glands or the ovary. The source of androgens may have some significant with respect to reproductive, metabolic and cardiovascular outcome. Hormones such as DHEA, or testosterone may be elevated and the ratio between the two may be calculated.

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Fiona McCulloch ND

Ashwagandha and Sperm Count

Male infertility accounts from anywhere from 30-50% of infertility worldwide. IVF is an expensive procedure that is often used to treat male factor infertility, however, there is good evidence that many natural supplements and antioxidants may improve the sperm count and as such, improve fertility.

This double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial investigated a group of 46 male patients between 26 and 40 years of age who had low sperm count, between 5-20 million/ml. The group receiving the treatment were given 225 mg per day of a full spectrum root extract of this herb.

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Fiona McCulloch ND

Fertility Herb Maca Improves LH Surge

Maca root is a commonly used traditional herb in South America to improve fertility in both men and women. Although it has been commonly used in botanical medicine for these purposes, the exact action on the endocrine system remains to be fully understood. A new study has been released which may have uncovered some of this mystery. In this study, maca root was given to female rats for a period of 7 weeks at various doses.

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