Thyroid and Fertility
Thyroid problems are extremely common, and because they can be asymptomatic, it can be difficult
Dr. Fiona McCulloch is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor and Registered Acupuncturist. She has a special interest in fertility, women’s health, PCOS and hormone health. Dr. Fiona is involved in research, and has authored an amazon best seller, 8 Steps to Revers your PCOS (selling over 29 thousand copies) as well as major research-based articles to advance practitioner knowledge in this field.
She was the original author of the White Lotus blog and has written quite a few articles both here and elsewhere on the web.
Please enjoy the articles below. The search bar below searches the entire site, but is available if you are looking for a specific topic.
Thyroid problems are extremely common, and because they can be asymptomatic, it can be difficult
Miscarriage is very common and can happen as often as in an estimated 50% of
Top Fertility tests : A Quick Reference for Women from an Integrative Medicine Perspective FSH – Follicle
Resveratrol for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a complex condition involving multiple hormonal components.
Everyone hears that stress can have a negative impact on your fertility and reproductive health,
Acupuncture for ovulation disorders and PCOS. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is the number one reproductive disease