Articles By Dr Fiona of White Lotus Clinic

White Lotus Clinic medical director and founder, Dr Fiona McCulloch

Dr. Fiona McCulloch is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor and Registered Acupuncturist. She has a special interest in fertility, women’s health, PCOS and hormone health. Dr. Fiona is involved in research, and has authored an amazon best seller, 8 Steps to Revers your PCOS (selling over 29 thousand copies) as well as major research-based articles to advance practitioner knowledge in this field.

She was the original author of the White Lotus blog and has written quite a few articles both here and elsewhere on the web.

Please enjoy the articles below.  The search bar below searches the entire site, but is available if you are looking for a specific topic.

Fiona McCulloch ND

N-Acetyl Cysteine for PCOS Egg Quality and Healthy Ovaries

N-Acetyl cysteine is one of the most beneficial nutrients for ovary health. It improves insulin sensitivity and glutathione levels. This study really broke it down by looking at women going through IVF and compared outcomes of those using NAC, to placebo, to Metformin, and to a combination of NAC and Metformin.

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Fiona McCulloch ND

Glutathione – The Master Antioxidant for Fertility, and For PCOS

Glutathione is arguably the most important antioxidant in our bodies. It protects the ovaries from damage, for women who are in their later reproductive years, and also for women with PCOS. Learn more about how to increase the levels of this important antioxidant in your ovaries to improve fertility, ovulation and overall health.

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Fiona McCulloch ND

Folic Acid and Folate – What’s the Difference?

Learn more in this comprehensive article explaining the difference between folate and folic acid. MTHFR is the mutation that causes a reduction in the conversion of synthetic folic acid to folate, causing difficulty in its utilization. Up to 40% of people have a mutation in MTHFR, rendering them less likely to use folate. This post was written for women with PCOS however the details included will be helpful for all women of all ages who are interested in nutrition.

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Fiona McCulloch ND

Ubiquinol for PCOS : Mighty Mitochondria

Our ovaries really do depend on the health of our mitochondria. What exactly are mitochondria anyway? They are the energy production houses of the cell – allowing our cells to grow and metabolize efficiently. In healthy cells, we see healthy mitochondria. In polycystic ovarian function, the mitochondria can be compromised by insulin resistance.

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Women's Health
Fiona McCulloch ND

Maca for Depression in Women

Depression is a common condition that many women will experience at one point in their lives. It’s common to experience depression around times of hormonal shifts, such as menopause, premenstrually, or postpartum. Many women do not want to use anti-depressants, or hormone based drugs to treat. There may be a new herbal alternative to address hormonally mediated depression in women.

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Fiona McCulloch ND

Does PCOS Make Your Brain More Hungry?

If you’re a woman with PCOS, you may have noticed that your hunger is different than that of women who do not have this disorder. A recent study has provided MRI imaging of the brains of women with PCOS, suggesting that there is a biological reason for the hunger experienced by insulin resistant women with PCOS.

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